Everything You Need To Know

A place where kids can come together and experience friendship, cooperation and trust

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Sessions And Dates

2024 Sessions

  • July 1-6: Music and Creative Arts Week
  • July 8-12: Adventure via Imagination Week
  • July 15-19: Mega Sports Week I
  • July 22-26: Mega Sports Week II
  • July 30-31: One-Day Camp Experiences

Contact your local Salvation Army Center for more information on how your child can enroll for this program.

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General Information


While at camp your child will participate in a wide variety of fun activities supervised by trained staff. We offer both centralized and decentralized activities either by gender and age or both. Daytime activities include archery (for the older campers), arts & crafts, boating, hiking, ropes course (see waiver) sports, swimming. Evening events include both small and large group events such as a Carnival or Talent Night. Camp is an active place with a lot of walking, running climbing and physical activity. In the interest of your child’s health and enjoyment evaluate if our camp is developmentally appropriated for your child.


Male and female campers sleep in separate cabins by age group. Each cabin houses up to 28 campers with two rooms for six adult staff members. Every child is provided with bed sheets and a blanket. Pillows are not provided; you are welcome to bring your own pillow. The cabins are functionally contemporary and natural in design equipped with electricity, indoor plumbing, and bathing.


Star Lake Camp is operated by The Salvation Army, an evangelical part of the universal Christian church. Children participate in daily vacation bible school curriculums, observe prayer before meals and attend age-appropriate worship services. For more information, please feel free to contact our Camp Director at (212) 337-7250.


Your child will have the opportunity to visit our Camp Canteen. There are snacks, drinks, and camp merchandise, please give all money to corps officer to check into the camp once they arrive.


Children who are accepted into the camp program will receive a confirmation from the Salvation Army Corps whom you registered under.


Roundtrip transportation is provided by The Salvation Army Corps that processed your registration. Please contact the Corps for more details and information concerning departure and return times.


Disruptive behavior by your child can negatively affect the camping experience for the other children. We define disruptive behavior as any repeated behavior or attitude that interferes with the normal operation of camp and/or requires one on one attention. Examples of disruptive behavior include but are not limited to fighting, bullying and refusal to follow instructions. Consequences of this behavior will include a phone call home and possible early dismissal.


In the event your child is unable to attend a scheduled session, you may request to exchange that session to an upcoming one (before the deadline) providing space is available. You must call the Salvation Army where you registered to check availability and confirm whether the exchange can be granted.


One-way emails to your camper can be sent to StarLakeCamp@use.salvationarmy.org

Please do not send food items.

Standards and Care


  1. To promote awareness of God, His love, and through the love of Jesus Christ, to aid toward spiritual growth and knowledge of basic human values.
  2. To give children, youth and adults a fun-filled, healthful, safe, educational and inspirational experience in the out-of-doors.
  3. To help develop an understanding, appreciation, and a sense of stewardship for the out-of-doors, for the natural environment, and for all living creatures.
  4. To help individuals grow in understanding themselves and each other, and especially for children to experience relationships with staff as caring adults and to offer opportunity for people of varied cultures to develop compassion for each other.
  5. To provide a loving and supportive environment where families can learn to cope with and solve their problems.
  6. To facilitate creative self-expression through worship, song, work, play, physical activity and the development of new skills.
  7. To allow each person to participate in planning programs and in establishing limits and responsibility for the safety and welfare of all.
  8. To assist in developing an appreciation of the wonder and joy of the miracles of everyday living.


Between 2001 and 2004 the American Camp Association conducted national research with over 5000 families from 80 ACA-Accredited camps to determine the outcomes of the camp experience as expressed by parents and children.
The findings from this national study indicated that camp is a unique educational institution and a positive force in youth development. The camp experience may benefit children by increasing:

  • confidence and self-esteem
  • social skills and making friends
  • independence and leadership qualities
  • willingness to try and adventurousness
  • spiritual growth, especially at camps focused on spirituality.


Health standards prevent acceptance of any child arriving at camp or at the point of departure to camp with lice, nits, pink eye, high fever or any other infectious conditions.


This form must be signed/stamped and dated by a doctor or physician within one year of the start date of camp. It must be filled out completely including the child’s health history, insurance information, parent’s signatures and emergency contacts. A completed and up-to-date immunization record is also required for registration.


Any medication listed on the health form must be in its original container and in enough quantity to last your child’s entire stay at camp. This must be sent to camp with your child on the first day of camp.


Please note: Star Lake Camp does not provide health insurance for our campers. An attached copy of your child(s) health insurance card must be submitted with their medical form.

Health Care

Star Lake Camp operates a Health Center to ensure the well-being of your child while he/she is at the camp. A trained nurse staffs our center and a local doctor reviews and approves our procedures. We have quick access to both a local clinic and hospital.


Should your child become injured or ill at camp, you will be notified under the following conditions:

  1. If the injury/illness prevents your child from participating in camp activities for more that several hours.
  2. Any time your child must be taken off the campgrounds for treatment.

In the event of an emergency, the parent or guardian will always be the first person we contact. In addition, you must provide us with two additional emergency contact numbers. These would be individuals who we can contact if we cannot reach you. Star Lake Camp is not responsible for on-going health conditions (i.e. asthma) or illness. Camp is only responsible for camp related conditions or accidents.

Food at Camp

Nutrition and Balance

Keeping campers satisfied at camp is critical to their wellbeing. Our cooks have designed menus that keep kids’ tastes in mind while emphasizing nutrition and balance.  We serve three meals per day, as well as two snack periods—one in the late afternoon and another before bedtime. Our staff help campers to make healthy choices so that they are getting enough food at each meal and ensure they are eating a balanced diet. Star Lake Camp participates in the USDA government food system through the Summer Food Service Program offered by the state of New Jersey. Mealtimes, meal content, supervision at meals and proper recording is crucial to the continuance of this important contract.

Summer Food Service Program

The Summer Food Service program eligibility application is required regardless of income level. Completing the SFSP form does not interfere with any food program your child may already be enrolled in at their school. The SFSP form is solely for camp’s reimbursement purposes. When completing the SFSP form, please make sure it is signed and dated.

Packing List


  • Bathing suit (one-piece swimsuit for girls)
  • Aqua shoes, boots, flip-flops, sneakers
  • Neck gaiter/buff, scarf
  • Rain jacket
  • Shorts, pants
  • Socks
  • Sweater, jacket
  • T-shirts
  • Underwear


  • Brush, comb, or hair pick
  • Deodorant
  • Shampoo, conditioner
  • Soap
  • Sunscreen, lotion
  • Toothbrush, toothpaste


  • Beach towels
  • Laundry bags
  • Pillow and pillowcase (optional)
  • Sleeping bag (optional)
  • Towels, washcloths for shower


  • Insect repellent
  • Hat, sunglasses
  • Musical instrument
  • Water bottle

"Leave At Home" List

  • Cellphones/electronics
  • Food/snacks
  • Money
  • Pets
  • Sports equipment
  • Valuables
  • Weapons

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